United Arab Emirates supports variety of wildlife habitats like mountains, deserts, mangrove areas and sea that are home to many wild animals. Although, most outdoor enthusiasts and desert dwellers can safely enjoy their time in nature without worrying about being attacked by anything more vicious than the mosquito, it is still wise to be aware of dangerous wild animals in the UAE and have knowledge of threats that they can pose. By being conscious and knowing how to react confronted by one of the potentially dangerous wild animals in the UAE you will greatly improve your chances of survival.
Many people often underestimate the encounters with wild animals. They do not realize that by going into the wilderness, they enter their territory. In most cases, the animals in the United Arab Emirates are unlikely to attack (unless they are starving or sick) but some might act more aggressively than others. No wonder – we are intruders and a potential threat to them or their offspring. It is true that most animals will avoid contact with humans, simply because they are scared. Ironically – this is the opinion that humans deserved.
In this article, I will take you through the list of potentially dangerous wild animals in the UAE and what to do in case of an unexpected encounter or attack.
One of the potentially dangerous wild animals in the UAE is a fox. Inconspicuous in appearance, can be a great threat to humans.
There are four species of foxes reported to live in the UAE: Arabian red fox, commonly seen in the cities, close to garbage bins, Blanford’s fox mostly living in the mountain areas, Ruppell’s fox, which may be found in the desert close to farms and the sand fox, extremely rare, living in the desert habitat, close to the Saudi border.
They mostly feed on plants, small insects, and livestock such as poultry, rabbits, or other newborn animals.

Is it likely that a fox will attack humans? What to do in case of an attack?
Generally, foxes are afraid of humans and avoid them. They can be easily scared away by making loud noises. It is very unlike that a fox would attack unless affected by rabies. Rabies is a deadly virus most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Any mammal can get rabies but the most common wild animals that transmit the virus are bats, foxes, and wolves.
The rabid fox may seem to have walking difficulty, walk in circles, act aggressively, and bite without provocation. If you suffer from the fox’s bite, wash the wound immediately with soap and water for 10-15 minutes. Do not cover the wound with bandages. As soon as possible, you should be taken to the hospital to be given anti-rabies vaccines. This will prevent rabies infection from developing.
It is very important to receive immediate medical help – once symptoms are present, there is no effective treatment. Though a small number of people have survived rabies, the disease usually causes death.
There is currently no prevalence of rabies in the United Arab Emirates, however, there have been cases known in the past and it is important to be aware of the risk.

Sand cat (also known as Gordon’s wildcat) is a shy and secretive animal, very active at night. Sand cats live in the barren desert habitat, ranging from rocky valleys to plains with little vegetation. Sand cats are considered to be “fearless snake hunters” that attack venomous vipers. They prey on whatever they can find – spiders, reptiles, birds, rodents, etc.

Is it likely that a sand cat will attack humans? What to do in case of an attack?
Sand cats are extremely rare to find in the United Arab Emirates, however, if encountered, they should be observed from far and not bothered.
They normally would not attack a human, unless affected by rabies. In case of a sand cat attack, the victim should seek immediate medical help.
There are approximately 9 species of bats present in the United Arab Emirates. They are very active at night – hunting. During the day they rest in the mountain caves, trees, or crevices of buildings. A small number of bats in the UAE feed on fruits (for example Egyptian fruit bat) – that’s why it is very common to spot them around the farms or palm trees gardens. The majority of species of bats, though, prefer a diet that contains small insects, thereby saving crops in the fields from destruction.
Is it likely that a bat will attack humans? What to do in case of an attack?
Bats are gentle animals and usually do not attack humans unless someone tries to touch them or capture them. Any contact with bats should be strictly avoided and if that occurs it should be managed by health authorities, not only because bats are likely to carry rabies but also other viruses.
There are two species of scorpions present in the UAE that are known to release venom, which in extreme cases can cause coma or death to a human. These species are a fat-tailed scorpion and death-stalker scorpion.
How Do You Treat A Scorpion Sting?
Scorpions do not go out of their way to sting humans. However, it may happen when they feel threatened.
To avoid being bitten, wear high-cut shoes covering the ankle, long socks, and long trousers. Always check the shoes before putting them on because scorpions and other insects love warm, dark burrows like shoes. Avoid camping directly on the ground, without a tent – space under the mattress or sleeping bag placed directly on the ground would be a perfect place for them to hide.
It is also important to pay extra attention at night because it is when scorpions are the most active.

While the sting of a scorpion is extremely painful, it is not considered lethal and it would normally not kill a healthy adult human. However, young children, the elderly, or those with immune problems, heart diseases, or hypersensitivity to venom may experience life-threatening symptoms.
In most cases, a scorpion sting will only cause pain, numbness, and tingling at the site of the sting that can last up to 24 hours. The treatment would require taking pain killers, cleaning the wound with water and soap, and applying ice or cold compress. If the symptoms are more serious, such as spreading pain, rapid eye movements, muscle twitching, breathing difficulty, swallowing difficulty – a person should seek medical help.
The most dangerous wild animals in the UAE are definitely snakes. There are four species of snakes that give potentially lethal bites: Sindh saw-scaled viper, Arabian horned viper, the Oman carpet viper, and rare Persian horned viper. With the exception of the Persian false-horned viper, all of the other three viper species are common and widespread in the United Arab Emirates.

Saw-scaled vipers mostly can be found throughout the country, both along the coast and inland in the desert and sometimes in the mountain areas. They are irritable and quick to strike. They can be recognized by characteristic sizzling sound when threatened. Even though saw-scaled vipers are small in size, they are known to have a very aggressive nature and lethal venom and that makes them very dangerous to humans. Toxins in the venom are capable of preventing the blood from clotting and potentially causing severe systemic bleeding in victims.

Arabian horned viper, also known as a sand viper, can be found in the sandy desert areas and the mountain plains. Its venom can cause serious consequences, however, most bites are not fatal. Arabian horned viper and the saw-scaled viper and two of the venomous species of snakes in the United Arab Emirates that are in regular conflict with humans.
Oman carpet viper and Persian false-horned viper are the species known to live in the mountain habitat. The likelihood of encountering Persian false-horned vipers during one of your hikes is very low as they were reported to be present in only three areas of the Hajar Mountains in the United Arab Emirates.
Is it likely that a snake will attack humans?
The snake’s first instinct is to slither away from danger and it will rarely attack, however, the saw-scaled viper might be a rare exception. Snakebites are rarer than you think but if
How Do You Treat A Snakebite?
Anyone bitten by a snake must immediately seek medical help. Snakebites are rarer than you think in the UAE but there is a huge misunderstanding about snakebite management. Correct modern snakebite management includes firmly wrapping the entire bitten limb with an elasticated bandage, up and down, making sure that the blood flow is not restricted. The limb should be immobilized and lifted about the heart level, if possible. The victim should remain calm and stay still, preferably in the shadow.
If there’s an opportunity, take a photo of the snake so it is easier to identify it for medical personnel.
Do NOT attempt to suck out the venom or cut the wound to release the venom – it will only increase the loss of blood. Do NOT apply ice or immerse the wound in water. Do NOT apply a tourniquet – it has been proven to be ineffective, dangerous, and even fatal. This practice needs to be abandoned!
Although nowadays almost all Arabian camels that you come across in the desert are domesticated, I still decided to include them on the list of potentially dangerous wild animals in the UAE.

Is it likely that a camel will attack humans?
Camels have a calm, yet curious nature and might get close to humans in the hope to receive food. Approach them with caution and gentleness.
Generally, camels have a friendly appearance and calm nature, but occasionally they can display unpredictable and aggressive behavior, that often yields dramatic consequences, especially during the rutting season. During such days, people near them become vulnerable to their attacks. The majority of all camel bites involve the head and neck region due to accessibility.
Arabian leopard can be found in the regions of the Arabian Peninsula, however, it is on the verge of extinction. The current status of the Arabian leopard in the United Arab Emirates is unclear – it is either extinct or very rare. In the past, sightings were reported in the Jebel Hafeet area, Wadi Wurayah, and other regions of Al Hajar Mountains. Arabian leopards have a wide habitat tolerance but are generally they are found around the rocky hills and mountainous ranges.

What should you do if you spot a leopard?
Although an encounter with an Arabian leopard is nearly impossible in the wild of the United Arab Emirates, if that happened, you would try to avoid attack by scaring the leopard off – clapping your hands, making as much noise as you can, and extending and waving your hands to appear bigger. When it’s safe, you should back away slowly, however, if you see a leopard making a step towards you, stop.
Do leopards attack humans? What to do in case of an attack?
There are cases of leopards attacking people for many reasons, for example, lack of wild prey animals or protecting their cubs. If you are confronted by a charging leopard, don’t run – The Arabian leopard is faster than any human and running will only turn the leopard’s killer’s instinct on and it will see you as prey. Assuming you are unarmed, the best way to survive a leopard attack is to fight back.
Although very rare in the United Arab Emirates, the sightings were reported in recent years around Jebel Hafeet. The Arabian Caracal prefers semi-desert habitats and rocky areas. It feeds on rodents and birds, but if there’s an opportunity it will also hunt for small gazelles, goats, and chickens.
Locally known as “Hamra” (“red” in the Arabic language) became a target for tribes and has been almost completely eliminated by trapping and shooting for stealing their livestock.

Is it likely that a caracal will attack humans?
Even though wild caracals are curious cats, they are usually very cautious of humans. In 2010 there was a case of a wild caracal being captured into the trap by a man in Ras Al Khaimah. The caracal managed to escape the trap, attacked and injured the man. Following the accident, it has been shot.
Like domestic cats, caracals can be affected by rabies. Any encounter that caused even a minor scratch should be considered a medical emergency.
In the past, the striped hyena was present in the UAE in the desert areas of Liwa but is now thought to be extinct. Hyenas are much too slow to catch a healthy animal, that’s why they are primarily scavengers. They will occasionally attack and kill any defenseless animal and will supplement its diet with fruits.

Is it likely that a hyena will attack humans?
The striped hyena is not considered very aggressive and usually avoids contact with humans or other animals. It rarely attacks livestock or people.
If you spot a hyena showing interest in you personally and moves towards you, make sudden moves to scare it. This will make it think you are a predator. Spread out your arms, wave them above you, look aggressive and frightening, make a loud noise, as if you are going to attack it. If for some reason the hyena attacks you, stand your ground and fight back by poking it with a stick or fight back by kicking and punching its head.
The United Arab Emirates desert has seen the extinction of many indigenous species. Among them is the Arabian wolf, which used to be a common sight along the sandy dunes in the past. It has been eliminated by people, by systematic shooting, trapping, and poisoning for grazing their livestock.

What should you do if you spot a wolf?
Stand tall and make yourself look bigger. Maintain eye contact, calmly, and slowly back away without turning your back.
Do wolves attack humans? What to do in case of an attack?
Wolves typically avoid humans and generally are not aggressive toward them. That said, like most large predators, when their food supply runs low, wolves may attack any potential food source, including people.
If the wolf continues to appear aggressive and begins to approach you, throw rocks as this will demonstrate that you’re not easy prey, and the wolf might walk away. However, if the wolf does not retreat and starts attacking you, fight back aggressively, protecting your neck and face at all costs until the wolf gives up.
Wolves may also carry rabies. Even after a brief encounter that resulted in a would, a victim should be treated by medical professionals.
Considering the fact that the majority of the dangerous wild animals in the UAE became extinct, ironically, it is a very safe environment for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. There are however minor risks that have to be taken into consideration.
Usually, wild animals choose to stay away from people, however, human ignorance may easily change that natural behavior. Evidence from recent cases of humans being bitten by wild animals indicates that these animals may have been previously fed or approached by people, thereby they lose their natural fear of humans and start associating humans with food. Predators tempted by an easy meal may be less intimidated and can attack.
Don’t give any animal—whether it’s a goat, a camel, or a fox any food. That will cause them to rely on human food and getting lazy to get the food from nature. Also, often the food provided by people may cause harm to wild animals, as they are not used to it.
- Do not leave any garbage behind, including food. Even organic waste can take months to biodegrade and meanwhile it will attract animals. It may not only make them stop eating their natural food and rely on what humans leave behind but also it may make them sick.
- Have always a bag ready to collect trash left behind by other inconsiderate people – in the end, you are saving nature.
- Hike or camp over gravel and rocks. In some areas, the vegetation can take years to grow back.
- Leave natural and historical items where you find them.
- Minimize cooking over a campfire, use the stove instead – it is less impact on the wilderness.
If you are looking for more off-road trails to discover around the United Arab Emirates, I can recommend this ultimate guide that is packed with many routes, giving very detailed information and answering all questions you could have about off-roading in the UAE.
You can get it from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2UrKZdo
I hope you found this article about 10 potentially dangerous wild animals in the UAE helpful. If you would like to know more outdoor tips, you may check this article: Hiking in the UAE: 9 Essential Hiking Tips.
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